
Make home-made ice cream with my nephew

Finally, my summer vacation I longed for had come, though it was only one week.

At the same time, happier thing was that my nephew visited me to stay some nights in my house, which made my vacation more enjoyable.

We had fun together... going to a local aquarium, having a swim in a pool, playing 将棋(shogi) and so on.

One of them he enjoyed was cooking.

We cooked home-made ice cream in a very easy but slow way.
This process needs patience, however, it was good for him to have something looking forward during intervals between doing summer vacation's home works.
(Japanese elementary school students have lots of home works during their summer vacation)

[Time consumed]
・About 2 hours

・2 yolks
・60g sugar
・200ml fresh cream*
・Chosolate cookies (if you like)

*It would be better to use animal type fresh cream containing high fats.
Last time when I used less fat fresh cream which I usually opted for, the ice cream was not frozen well.

[How to]
 1) Prepare the ingredients and measure them.
(For my little nephew, it was not easy to get a yolk from an egg but he did quite well.)

2) Mix all of the ingredients.

3) Add chocolate cookies if you like cookies and cream ice cream.
(Though there was no plan to add chocolate cookies into the ingredients,  I suddenly remembered there were chocolate cookies left over in my fridge.)

This chocolate cookies contained big portions of chocolates. Luckily suitable for ice creams.

4) Pour them into a tray.

5) Put the tray into the freezer and wait for 45 minutes.

6) 45 minutes later, take the tray out of the freezer to stir.

7) Put it in the freezer again and wait for another 30 minutes.

8) Do the same thing again (Put it in the freezer again and wait for another 30 minutes).

The below photo was how the ice cream turned to after 1 hour and 45 minutes later.

The taste was very yummy.
My nephew commented "This is cookies and cream that is my favourite!" and seemed to satisfy the taste.

But there was one point that I would like to pay attention to next time I cook.
This ice cream was easy to be melt in this hot summer.... so it was soon melted down.

I will definitely put ice cream glasses into the fridge before eating not to let ice cream easily melt like this time.

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